Sunday, October 23, 2005

Survey that is...

Hi, been very busy on blog... Its like the thrid consecutive day that I am writing a blog again...
Anyway, i was thinking of writing about the SC survey that is currently being held in school

As most of you should know about it already (mainly due to my daily ranting on why my class will no longer have a SC), i will not be taking my time to explain what is going on. Anyway, to keep it really really simple, the school is conducting a survey on every single SC. So, basically there is a list of characteristics that Leaders should have and then a survey on whether or not they demonstrate it...

Easy in a nutshell.

But i think this sort of survey is a bit dumb due to the following reason:
1. It can serve as a way to get back to those SC whom stopped you from playing basketball in uniform, walking home in PE attire, eating food in class......

2. It can also serve as a way to "attack" those people who have made life difficult for you in one way or another (Although i did not say that this is a bad use of the survey)

3. And seriously, you will not be able to take the results seriously. For one thing, about half the class was asking who was who as we were doing the survey, for those whom we don't know, we might put it as average, or create magnificent patterns that shows up as wavy lines that look like this:
and so on and so forth.......

Erm??? does this show that the SC is not really "popular" (can't find a better word). Maybe, cause that is what usually happens...

Well, who know how will this survey affect us? (I am sure the teachers know) and we all know that predicting the next president of the Student Council is still a long long way of...

Actually, not very long...


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Harry potter... and why i am so sick with him...

Because of the exams ( i am having mock exams even though my EOY is over), i am not going to be indulging in my normal type of topic, which involves "criticising" some people or organisation ( although i already have in mind what i am going to be criticising)

So, i would be ranting on Harry Potter and its various exploits.

With the release of the 6th Harry Potter book, I found myself flipping through the first few books so as to refresh my memory on what happened in each year where Harry Potter is at Hogwarts. JIC you had also forgot the order of the books, they are:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher stone (Read around 6 times)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Read around 6 times)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Read around 6 times)
Harry Potter and the Globet of Fire (Read around 5 times)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix ( Read around 2.5 times)(skipped the chapter where they were in the department of mystery, could not stand seeing Harry Potter being stupid again...)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (going to read)
Harry Potter and the ?????????????
which i am presuming to be something like " the dark lord......"

So anyway, why am i so sick with him. Firstly, according to the magic: the gathering colour pie, red is the colour of emotions. Well, i like to put Harry Potter right in the middle of red. Why? you may ask, well, he doesn't think at all....
The first book was fine and all, other than the part about Norbert, which i feel is a bit of a fault on Hagrid part...
the second book started off very red with driving the car to hogwarts... but other than that it was fine...
The third book was a bit dumb with sirius and all appearing, no problem with that though
The fourth book was really dumb. Personally, anyone wishing to be Harry Potter deserves a kick in the head. Getting into a tournament that he should not even be part of, getting all the attention, erm, getting killed...

The fifth book has just got to hit the cake...
Imagine if you are Harry Potter...
First, your scar is always hurting because of well, you-know-who
Second, you have a stupid dream which always ends in the corridor of the department of mystery
Third, you got umbridge around your back
Fourth, you lost someone whom you used to be able to talk to (Dumbledore comes to mind)
Fifth, you have a girlfriend whom crys all over you whenever you start talking about someone (Cho and Cedric comes to mind pretty frequently)
Sixth, you accidentally led to the death of your Godfather (i hate seeing sirius go)
Well, people whom are still thinking about it better get kicked in the face...

And, Ollivandar words still don't make sense. In the first book, he said that using a different wizards wand would not achieve the same result as using your own. Well, this "revelation" has rarely even been used...
In the second book when Lockhart used Ron's spoilt wand, that did not count because it spoilt
In the third book, Sirius used someone's wand, but no explicit mention of the difference is observed
In the fourth book, Voldemort and Harry Potter "duel" ( if you can count that as dueling) where their beams connect, reminds me of those very old cartoons, where two heroes fire some rays at each other at the same time and then they try to force that part towards the other side (Usually the evil side) and then a BOOM would occur following with someone being blasted to smitheerins...(Peter Pettigrew comes to mind)
Fine, that was a result, but still no mention of difference in the usage of different wands........

So? Ollivander words would be used in the last or the sixth book????

And, well, that should be enough.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

End of exam, and peacemaker kurogane...

Well, its the... end of the exam!!!!
WOO!!!, cheers people, [raises mug], its time to celebrate....[gulps a large cup of pepsi]*hick*

or is it....

Well, lets say that on the bright side the end of year exam has finally ended...
but the bad news is that very soon the 'o' level chinese nightmare would be on us, and we obviously hope that we would not have to face the same thing that those PSLE students had to face, the unsolvable math question.......

I was thinking of archiving that question on this blog, but due to a lack of motivation, and also because i am not really in the mood of customising my blog to display picture, i would not be doing it....

But can you imagine what would happen if the same things happen again, to us in our O level scripts? Of course, you could say that it definitely would not happen since the examination board should have become more strict in their checks to prevent the same thing from happening again.

But then again, what is the point about worrying about all this....

Anyway, just a slight reminder to all you people out there who watch animania on art central, Peacemaker Kurogane (art central always miss out the kurogane part) is coming to an end, last episode should be this friday. And if you haven't notice, art central is pulling out all the stops on this show, with advertisment on Art central continuously emphasising that tommorow is the second last episode... bit of a waste considering that it is almost the end of the entire anime series and then suddenly advertising all about it.........

Well, an update on our lives i suppose....


Saturday, October 01, 2005

Art Central and Animania

I had been trying to find ways to write a blog this last few days, but has been prevented mainly due to the fact that exams are underway. I am so glad that it is coming to the first weekend in the exam and thus, i have a excuse to write here.

I had been watching Art Central this last few weeks to distress by watching Jap Anime during its section of programme called Animania. I say that although its very good, i am rather annoyed by Art Central.

I was really annoyed last wednesday, 28/9, when it suddenly cancelled the show peacemaker simply because there was another show on. That was ok, since i supposed that sometimes other channels do that.

Finally, the last straw was yesterday, 30/9. I was determined not to miss that day's episode as it is supposed to be one of the most thought provoking and most exciting one. They had been advertising on Art Central since the beginning of wednesday (28/9) that peacemaker Kurogane started at 11:30pm on Friday.

You know what, they suddenly changed the program slot back to 11pm, and for no obvious reasons whatsoever, i suddenly missed the episode.
At that moment, i was so furious i nearly threw a remote at the television again. (last time i had that impulse was only last wednesday(28/9))

So what can i say? Art Central does not take any pride in its Jap Anime that it features on Animania at 11pm... or that it moves its program as it sees fit, according to its schedule.

Or is it just that Art Central itself is like Channel I, where it has a lack of audience and thus does not care about the way it moves its program...

Lets hope that Art Central stop this irritating movement of program, and that it know that there is a group of people out there who really likes Animania.

By the way, Peacemaker Kurogane is about to end... Just a few more episode. Think it will be ending in exam week.
