Friday, July 22, 2005

Ambiguity or a change of plans or ideas?...

Its been a rather hectic week, with tons of test, homework and exams all bundles together. The most notable thing that had happened so far was the AGM of the SC.

JIC you do not know what i am talking about, the student council had their AGM a few days ago and now, you could more or less say that the 27th Student Council is in office.

But, many things are very very very weird, and i don't think most people are very happy about it.

As i mentioned in my previous post, I was quite glad that YJ would still be with us for another year. But now, with the sudden changes by the teacher, YJ will no longer be our exco and it is now replaced with Anna. I found this terribly wrong.

First of, i only knew about this on the day itself. And anyway, the earliest of it being known was just the day before. Essentially, the teachers are only giving us 1 day to respond to the sudden change. I did not really like the change, cause Disco this year had already lost quite a huge amount of people during the election period, and now, we just lost another one because of the teacher's decision.

And as far as i know, the teacher's had promised not to alter any of the leadership position...

Now, lets take a look at the Central comm., not that i am being critical of it:
President: Tang Wei Guo
VP: Ho Kwan Ling, Choon Yen
treasurer/secretary: Er.... i forgot...

And how many people lost their rank in SC. As far as i am concerned, i count 3... Is that the teacher's promise????????

And, almost three years ago, one of the teacher in-charge of the SC told us that in the year we are in Sec 3, there will ne no such as things as Committee and everything will become one council. Well, I am in Sec 3 now, and i don't see it happening.

Sometimes, i think it got something to do with the way the teachers are doing things.

First of, when you talk about uniting the whole council together by taking away committee, you did not notice that what you are doing now is not promoting the council to become one council. Take this year new SCs for example, the moment they entered SC, they were posted to different comm. and were trained from there to perform their job. This led to a decrease in interactions with councillors from other comm. which would not promote the council to be looked as one.....

I mean, come on...

Second one is a bit of a joke. The Ad-Hoc committees. Well, they are back, with only one problem... They are very very very picky. For example, one read, only sec 2s.... Another read: 4 social comm. members.

I mean, you get my point do you...

And the greatest joke of the week is that the SC investiture is to be held on 8/8/2005.. Am i correct?
That is like, 6 months earlier compared to 2 years ago and about 2 months earlier than last year. Are they really so eager to get things done and locked in before problems cropped up, or are they over confident that this year SC will actually be gifted from the beginning......

Anyhow, on a side note... Anna is the head of our comm. and we all are very sure that she would be able to do a good job. Yujia, good luck for the rest of the year, you'll be remembered...



Anonymous said...

first of all, i need to say that i am fully agree with what u said.then i want to say that everytime i read ur post, it will triger me to think about more things about the whole council and disco. now my feeling is that "i wanna see how 27th sc can be better than 26th sc and will it be at the standard of 25th sc?" i am in double but as time flows, i will have the ans..can't wait any more to know the ans....haha thanks discmon....for your post and brilliant opinions.

smilee said...

too many things that we cannot changed have happened.
the only thing now- is to look forward, not back ((:
counting on youu + the other seniors. we're manyBUTone yeas!

Anonymous said...

u care too much.. dun tink too much. b hapi alwaes.. do ur best wheneva u can.. change s much to d beta s u lyk.. howeva, if u cant, thts too bad.. do ur best n thts it..