Wednesday, September 19, 2007

More then just dying (II)

I got this off some body's blog post who felt that my last paragraph has been targeting him:
(Whether or not that is really true is no longer my business since he has already assumed that)

When people die,it means people die.That simple.everything comes to an end.Nothing matters anymore when your body goes into the incinerator.Only people who do not wish to face death directly (for whatever reasons) will claim that death( in whatever way) is something that is not acceptable.

Firstly, I did not say that death is not acceptable. Death is after all, a natural phase of life. We are born, we live, and we die. However, are you sure that when people die, they just die? If its really that simple, then why do we have funerals? or to make it more specific to you, military funerals? Why are there even procedures for funeral in the army anyway?

We have seen that many people die fighting for the cause that they believe in. Lets just take a look at the wars that have occurred in the past century. The Korean War, The Vietnam War to name a few. Aren't this wars fought by soldiers? by people? who believed in what they are fighting for? Wars ultimately results in the loss of countless lives, so are you saying that this people just die?

Is their death so worthless to you that all it accounts to you in your head is that they just die? We honour these soldiers because they are willing to fight for what they had believed in, to secure what they had hoped is a better future for their loved ones, even if it takes their lives. So they had died and that's it?

If that's the case, I guess you haven't grasp the factors that allows victory in a war. In Chinese, it would be:"天时,地利,人和" For translation sake, it would be the right time, terrain advantage and approval of the people. So your soldiers die and that's that... Say goodbye to approval of the people for me ok?

Imagine what would happen if your loved one joins a war that he believes in, he dies, killed by enemy fire (hopefully) and then all you get is he has died, and even after the war, they are treated as though they had just died...

How would you feel? Do you feel he has died in vain? Has he been recognised for his contribution to his country?

“国以人为本” This is a idea that has been echoed over the century by various military tactician. Without people, there won't be a country. If the people don't support the government, its as good as the government does not exist. It will not be able to function, it will not be able to declare war...

Now imagine if you are that person who have lost a loved one. Would you continue treating this country as your home if to the government, the person just dies? Or as the way you phrase it, "everything comes to an end"?

If life has given you the chance to laugh at your enemies as you slaughter them, do it without hesistation.Ahhh...the scent of vengeance is so alluring.Will your enemy give you any quarter?No..Think about it, kill or be killed.Would rather be the one that is suffering(and see your loved ones suffer with you) or would you rather slaughter your enemy for your own survival.It's your own call.

Firstly, your first situation is not the same as your second situation. It is one of surviving vs the lust for blood spill. Its largely different. Killing someone to protect yourself doesn't give you a "scent of vengeance (which) is alluring to you". A largely different situation, but thanks for generalising (=

That way, I guess my explanation for this point can be largely omitted... if you don't see the difference, I am sure other people out there do see it, you could ask them...

An excerpt from some blog.Ahh...if only life was like that, there wouldn't be war, there wouldn't be people committing suicide, and everyone would be peace-loving.Sounds nice eh, even the cynic wants to experience this kind of life.But wait, this is A.D 2007 not some some distant future in 30394324823984 years where the enitre mankind has attained this kind of enlightenment(i doubt we will exist for that long anyway). Sadly there is only a pitiful few who think like this now( I am not one of them for sure).

We see why the world is in this pitiful state now, don't we?

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

-1984, George Orwell

I was not aiming at a utopia, I was just saying that life is precious, and that we should treasure it. There is capital punishment, simply because life is a treasured commodity. Everyone values it, probably even you, and this makes life precious and death more then just death.

P.S. As a side note, all quotes are as they are on the original blog correct as of 19/9/2007 at the time at which the post is published. As such, any editing occurring at a later time after this blog is published will not be accounted for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No i won't go so low to edit my post.Very convincing to the point i want to raise the white flag with all the relentless rhetorical questions pounding my points to oblivion.

PS:Majority of the soldiers in the Vietnam war are conscripts and so their idea was to just serve their tour of duty and f off, not to fight in what they believe in.