Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Just imagine...

We're almost finally back to the standard good old days in JC life. Just have to wait a few more days and I'm sure we'll be stuck right back into our daily routine of coming to school, looking at the teacher, doing homework, writing essays criticising the education system...
Yea it goes on...

Anyway, today there was a rehearsal for the year end celebration in LT5, and I think we just came across a joke of the year award nomintation so here we go...

About a few weeks back before the rehearsal, some councillor came to find me and asked me how he could procure a drum set in some way or another. The councillor is calling me as well, PA is helping out to support the event and I guess he got our job scope wrong...
Anyway, I told him that firstly, PA don't provide drum sets (we don't even have one in the first place) and that he could try finding Sebastian's band or even the concert band in NJ for the drum set...

Nothing much was heard about this thing for the next few weeks...

Finally, the day of the rehearsal finally approaches. Within minutes of us setting up the system, the councillors went up to me and asked me the same question again:
"Where can we get drum sets?"
"Ehh, like I told you before la, you can get from Sebastian's band, concert band..."
"Sebastian's one don't have snare drum, then concert band borrow from harmoc"
"Then borrow from harmoc lor"
"But then... harmoc don't want to lend..."

Ok. that's not the joke yet.
Another councillor approaches:
"The band kp, don't want to play le cause they don't have drum set..."

Ehh, wait a second, did I hear... A band without a drum set, then they kp don't want to play because they don't have drum set?
Ehhh... Band that does not have a drum set?
Imagine this:
Imagine a PA crew without microphones and speakers
Imagine chicken rice without chicken
Imagine prawn mee without prawn
Imagine nasi lemak without rice
Imagine a car without 4 wheels
Imagine a TV, without a screen
Imagine a radio, without a speaker
Imagine a newspaper, without news
Imagine a programme, without content
Imagine an exhibition, with no information
Imagine a book, without a single word in it
Imagine a fish, without a gill...

You get the point don't you?


Yu Xuan said...

Must have been an "interesting" rehearsal huh? LOLzzz

Anonymous said...

imagine yr laptop without e touchpad.