Thursday, October 13, 2005

End of exam, and peacemaker kurogane...

Well, its the... end of the exam!!!!
WOO!!!, cheers people, [raises mug], its time to celebrate....[gulps a large cup of pepsi]*hick*

or is it....

Well, lets say that on the bright side the end of year exam has finally ended...
but the bad news is that very soon the 'o' level chinese nightmare would be on us, and we obviously hope that we would not have to face the same thing that those PSLE students had to face, the unsolvable math question.......

I was thinking of archiving that question on this blog, but due to a lack of motivation, and also because i am not really in the mood of customising my blog to display picture, i would not be doing it....

But can you imagine what would happen if the same things happen again, to us in our O level scripts? Of course, you could say that it definitely would not happen since the examination board should have become more strict in their checks to prevent the same thing from happening again.

But then again, what is the point about worrying about all this....

Anyway, just a slight reminder to all you people out there who watch animania on art central, Peacemaker Kurogane (art central always miss out the kurogane part) is coming to an end, last episode should be this friday. And if you haven't notice, art central is pulling out all the stops on this show, with advertisment on Art central continuously emphasising that tommorow is the second last episode... bit of a waste considering that it is almost the end of the entire anime series and then suddenly advertising all about it.........

Well, an update on our lives i suppose....


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