Sunday, October 23, 2005

Survey that is...

Hi, been very busy on blog... Its like the thrid consecutive day that I am writing a blog again...
Anyway, i was thinking of writing about the SC survey that is currently being held in school

As most of you should know about it already (mainly due to my daily ranting on why my class will no longer have a SC), i will not be taking my time to explain what is going on. Anyway, to keep it really really simple, the school is conducting a survey on every single SC. So, basically there is a list of characteristics that Leaders should have and then a survey on whether or not they demonstrate it...

Easy in a nutshell.

But i think this sort of survey is a bit dumb due to the following reason:
1. It can serve as a way to get back to those SC whom stopped you from playing basketball in uniform, walking home in PE attire, eating food in class......

2. It can also serve as a way to "attack" those people who have made life difficult for you in one way or another (Although i did not say that this is a bad use of the survey)

3. And seriously, you will not be able to take the results seriously. For one thing, about half the class was asking who was who as we were doing the survey, for those whom we don't know, we might put it as average, or create magnificent patterns that shows up as wavy lines that look like this:
and so on and so forth.......

Erm??? does this show that the SC is not really "popular" (can't find a better word). Maybe, cause that is what usually happens...

Well, who know how will this survey affect us? (I am sure the teachers know) and we all know that predicting the next president of the Student Council is still a long long way of...

Actually, not very long...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...think that the whole of sc have to be revamp in order to regain faith of students within the school