Friday, November 04, 2005

The comforts of everyday life...

Have you ever heard about all those stories where something is taken away from whoever is the main character and than he/she learns the importance of the thing and how inconvenient life would become without it?

I bet you have, since this stories have been retold over and over again. But than, how many of us would really benefit from it? Because the things that is talked about does not usually happen and because it is a story, it would not be so easy for that fact to sink in. In fact, i recently discovered how fortunate i am to have a hot water bath, without having to boil water.

It all started, when i was in the bathroom... and its not funny...
I was minding my own business when suddenly, the false ceiling started leaking water...

Seriously, our ancient water heater has finally spoilt (it miraculously survived for five more years after the fve year warranty expired, and that is very rare in today's standard...) and now our house is totally cut off from water because we turned off the main tap that runs into the house. This is in a bid to stop the water from continuously leaking out from the water heater, but that also means that whenever we want to take a bath or wash something, we would have to make a small trip to the elevator landing and than open up our water tap.

Very inconvinient? you bet......

I guess we all have something that made our life simpler but yet we do not realize how fortunate we are to have it. Just like studying, it is a fortune that we are all able to study in school when some people do not even have the means to stay alive...

I guess it is a great food for thought eh...


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