Sunday, January 22, 2006

Reunion dinner 2006...

Hey people, the reunion dinner is officially over. Need to thank you all for helping me clean up the house... and also for your adventurous attempt at trying to locate my house. This goes to out to all those people who had a really tough time going to my house.

Actually, being a part of disco had somehow given me a reason to look foward to the times ahead. I especially remember the times when the letters that the seniors had given me had helped me pass through those troubled times. When i was down and depressed, argued with my parents or friends over things, when i am stressed out by those freaking homework that the teachers throw at us, those letters of encouragement, encouraging me to stay the way i am, the good old energetic person whom does not fail to light up the days with enthusiasm...
Those things are the things that kept me going.

I finally realised that a gift can really go a long way...

And here, have to thank you all for making this chinese new year reunion dinner a good one. At least, we were less pitiful in the light that we have meat this time and we got lots of food leftover...

But i guess that i am going to start my criticism all over again. Better to get it over with before the new year starts...
Ya, i know that some of you all feel that you all are out of place in this sort of reunion dinner, but that is not a good enough reason for you all to stay inside my room all the time. I mean, what's the point of staying inside my room if this is a reunion dinner?? So that you all can find some interesting private life story to spread around? If that is it, than i am sorry to tell you all that you all will find nothing other than lots of souveniours that people had given me and i kept over the years...

I mean, what's the point of pointing out the difference between us? You people had already missed the council photo taking session, and that's one of the reason why i did not want to buy the council photo... A council photo with various members missing... Come on, i thought we had always emphasised the fact that once you were a disco member, you will always be one. Its like i am going to repeat myself all over again, an earlier post where i was commenting about this situation... Ending your council life is not equal to closing the book and thinking that you were never a part of it... But i guess that is what is happening now...

I know you all feel more free now that you are no longer tied down by the council, but that isn't a reason to separate yourself from us...
But i guess its already a bit too late to talk about this, isn't it...

Anyway, I want to thank you all for being such good people. My parents were quite happy and amused by the fact that you all thanked them in the end... I never knew my parents were able to mess around so well with you all. I don't think they were a bother during the reunion dinner...

And i guess that should end the tradition where we only go to a friend's house for reunion dinner when their parents are away...


1 comment:

stubbornpenguin said...

whee zhiping thankkeu for the reunion dinner yea(:
i <3 it to bits:)))))))))))))))))))