Monday, January 15, 2007

Crap mode...

It's been some time since I last posted anything on the blog. Duh, you can check the dates...
I've not really got much to write about, but I feel like writing something, its just this gut feeling inside me that I want to do something on my blog. I'll be updating the links section later with more people's blog once I find the time to do it. I realised that my link section is shrinking thanks to the whole bunch of people who has decided that they want to delete their blogs.

It should be quite nice for all you people out there to read some new blogs, so I'll be getting to them later. We might also just be able to see some promotions from other blogs to blogs that you should read. But, that's going to be another story...

Orientation at NJC had finally ended!!

It had been a crazy one week for orientation, and it was very very tiring. It's not as bad as those major training camps, but I think its tiring enough for many of us. On the last few days, its almost like the standard "reach home and d-i-e" equation that most of the training camp equates for us...

Anyway, lets talk about my NEW og (orientation group), which I'll be treating as a joke session...

Our og has a total of 28 people... out of which only four people are boys...
Is it just me? or is it that NJC is turning into a girls school...?
Ahh, who cares about that point, NJ is also known as mini-rv to a certain extent, and since RV is turning into a girl's school as well, it shouldn't be surprising that NJ is turning into a girl's school as well...

Out of the 5 boys, only one of them is a pure local singaporean... ME!!!
Ahhhhhh!!! Come on, for the last two years at least it was 50/50... now its 1/5...

Out of all 28 people, only one of them is RV...
Remind me again, NJ had intake about 120++ RV pupils this year during PAE, so how many rv people are there in my class... ONE!!!!

Ok, I know I've taken an odd combination of subjects, but that's beside the point right?
Argh, I'm crapping...

Oh ya, lets not forget to congratulate the auto-ct rep...
And I'm seriously going to start throwing things at disco people who are in hc very soon...



Anonymous said...

can make new frens one!

Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK AT NJ ( THE ANOTHER RV)and have fun! i May be joining u all next year ..HAHAH worry !!

shadowkat said...

lol now i'm classified as BLOGS U SHUD READ?? i nt so cynical based liao... more sentimental now