Sunday, January 28, 2007


Well, I know that my last post was on a rather controversial topic, and I did had a sort of debating match on msn within about 15 minutes of me posting the post...
But that's quite beside the point, and the argument was pretty long-winded anyway, and hopefully the situation will resolve, although I partially do not agree with sitting there and eating everything that they are throwing at you...
So ya...

Anyway, someone mentioned to me about uploading all the photos that I have taken during our orientation. Reason being that it would allow us to remember everything that had happened should we separate into different classes, get transferred out or get kicked out...

I had uploaded all the photos, and really simply by looking at them, I start remembering some of the more things that had happened in our class since the first day we meet. The photos that I had added are mostly concentrated on the day of the external hunt.

Of course, I realised that it isn't just photos that will make you remember stuff, music also reminds you of a lot of things. Seriously, when I hear songs like "A public affair", "we're all in this together", "summer nights" and even "upside down", my mind start bringing up images associated with hall and full of people dancing. It also reminds me of the whole class learning mass dance and me getting sabotaged by the OGLs...

Its a really great feeling to know that there is so many ways for you to remember something that is close to your heart, like your class people that you have school with for the first three months in a JC...

But then, we all hope that the friendships that we would had built up by the end of the first three months would stay strong? right?
I hope it will... Life is so much more bearable with friends...


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