Saturday, April 21, 2007

Some funny and important things

You know, I had been debating with myself on what should be the topic of the post today. A lot of things has been happening recently, especially with my father's sudden interest in waking me up and attempting to scold me at the same time, and then appearing to be sleeping when I finally decides to sleep. Lets just say that that is highly amusing and very laughable...

After much thought and many other considerations, here we go:
Did I mention that the voting process for the 40th student council in NJC has finally ended?
Indeed, it has, and the entire process is highly laughable as well, except that its much much way more sarcastical then the methods I have shown above.

Lets start with campaigning stuff before we move over to other stuff.
Firstly, you guys are heading for a term of office in the council. In this one year or so, how are you going to help us or anything? Sure of course, all of you guys say of "serving the school, the college, the council, the student" blah blah blah. I would notice of course that everyone who wants to be in the student council wants to serve someone. So you've been telling me this telling me that, are you going to tell me how are you really going to serve us? Do you plan to raise our grieviance to the teachers or are you planning to conduct more forums??

You know, it would help our decision making for a lot of us, if you let us know what you are planning to do to help us? If you have a clear action plan, it is more likely that you will stick to it and that it will be more successful. But no, you know what, apparently all the councillors can't tell us much about what they are going to do...
It sounds kinda stupid, but apparently, the councillors are "instructed not to make any promises, nor have any action plans" for whatever they have in mind. This, I feel, totally contradicts the idea of having a student councillor.

For one thing, the student councillor is supposed to be the "bridge between the school adminstration and the student body" (I've heard that long enough that I can practically recite it to you without any hesitation) The councillor is supposed to fight for the rights of his/her fellow schoolmates. Without knowing the grieviance of the people who they are serving and not even having a clear action plan of what they may try to do to get to know these problems, how are we supposed to rely on this group of people to help us to solve our problem?

Heard of "you can't survive on a diet of hope"? That totally matches the scenario above.

Also, did somebody notice the very stupid thing about people who don't want to be councillors, but cannot withdraw from the election?
It sounds a bit stupid, but there are indeed a large amount of people who are walking around NJC, telling close friends not to vote for them. Its not a chance of reverse psychology, but they sincerely do not want people to vote for them.

Something bad must have happened for such a large amount of candidate to want to pull out from the campaigning process. It is very scary, especially when it came to the time for me to vote when I noticed that there is a severe lack of choices for us to vote...
Perhaps, the council itself should find out what is wrong with its system, such that such a large amount of candidates want to pull out from the campaigning process. From what I heard, its got something to do with the red tapes that are present all over the council. Doing something requires approval, blah blah blah.
Which reminds me, are we in a JC?

Of course, while I am at it (criticising the things that had happened), lets have some rather amusing "jokes" that we see around the canteen once in a while:
"I am sure you know the lord of the rings, there is a land called Rohan. You will remember me, vote for Rohan"
-Did I mention that I have never read LOTR and did not watch the movie too?
-Oh, did you notice that your name is about... one letter away from Roshan? Should we start killing you? Health regeneration too fast ah...

"Polarbear has fur, NJ has jenni-fur"
-Personally, I nearly vomitted when I first heard the wording.
-Isn't polar bear supposed to be violent...
-Did I mention that the fur-trade is going strong? Better not let people out there know there is a Jenni-fur out in NJ, you wouldn't want NJ to be crawling with hunters do you?
-Although on second thought, this could be quite interesting ^^

"Nj has a lion, it needs a tiger, vote for Mehul (beautiful tiger)"
-This is getting quite corny... sure I remember your name, I just don't see how you are going to help us from this poster...
-Oh ya, did I mention that getting hunted by a lion is hard enough already, we don't need an extra tiger to join in the hunt. We have lost enough lives at the moment.

"Smart people approve Apporv, vote for apporv"
-So if I don't vote for you, I am stupid?!! pfft...
-Which raises an interesting question, how many smart people are there in Nj anyway?

"Special agent for the student body"
-Note that this guys nickname is agent cause he is zhuai, but that's another story altogether...

"The magika of radhika"
-so eh? who are you anyway? A witch or a fellow njcians?
-You planning to cast magic spells to help the student? Personally I don't mind full body binding all the irritating teachers, and then providing cheering charms for all the students. Add some complex wand-work, and we might soon be locomotor mortis-ing...

Oh ya, I noticed that God was written on one of the posters in that sort of christian style, like bless you whatever...
Does anyone ever notice that NJC is named as National Junior College and not anything that starts with a st. Please do remember that NJC is a secular school. You are not supposed to have a religion.

Oh ya, this applies to Guitar ensemble as well. "Thank God for his amazing Grace..."
Did I mention I know too many Grace already? How many more "amazing" ones are we getting??



Anonymous said...

good one. lol.

Anonymous said...

i havent left a comment in a longlong time.

do the candidates really use those slogans?! O.O

Discmon said...

In reply to your comments, provided you ever read it here...

YES, they really use all the slogans, although all the extra comments that I add beneath each of them are my own creations ^^


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


whoa. nice one about the slogans. After reading i was like -.-..

anw. Jiayou for jc life...


Anonymous said...

lol. no longer 1st commenter alr i see.
this batch of councillors will be an interesting batch to watch out for.


Yagami Kyoshi said...

Good day, ZP!

You seem to have been influenced by my earlier revolutionary article. (: Which of course, is logical. *Does the 4D 06 copyright hair flip* heeiiiiiya.

I sort of disagree with the last bit of your post. Being in a non-religion school does not deprive anyone the right to have a religion. In fact, gracing God for their accomplishments is their own right. It is what they think. You might not agree with them. They might not agree with you. But I don't think they should be discriminated against.

Discmon said...

Anyway, I am not discriminating against them...
Just that it feels a bit weird to say grace and thank god and all these things when there are other religious group around. It sounded very weird la especially when they thanked god during assembly...

But its just a passing remark and I'm not going to go too much into it. As already noted, the main purpose of the article was the... SC...