Sunday, April 29, 2007

On a discipline committee in an IP context

I was wondering if I would ever get the mood to type this log at all...
And I guess I have finally gotten into he mood as I sit on the bus that is going to take me to my destination today (which is bukit merah in case you are wondering)

After staring aimlessly at the scenery and playing some games on the computer, I think it is time for me to chronicle my thoughts on this topic:
The feasilibility of a discipline committee in an IP school.

As many of you should have known by now, rv has officially went IP (much to the displeasure of many people, but that's going to be another story). What does IP means? IP is a programme in which students do not need to sit for the GCE O levels paper, and instead progress for a 6 year education which leads up right to the GCE A level papers.

The theory behind it is that, with a 6 year education that will not be interrupted by O levels, students will be able to have more time to develop other skills rather then a pure "rush for the O levels mentality"

True, the IP program is indeed trying to do that, but many of us feels that O level is still an important indicator of our studying and so on and so forth.
What we are considering right now is the effect of the student council in rv when it has to be the bridge between the new group of students.

Because of the IP program, 2 years from now, RV would have its first batch of 5th year ip students. As we all know, most JCs do not have prefactorial board or even a discipline function inside the student body. The raionale is very simple, as 17-18 year olds, won't we have a sense of maturity and there isn's a need for us to be constantly watched over. Besides, how effective do you think it would be for your friends to discipline you in the first place when you are 17-18 years old:

"Hey, tuck in your shirt!!"
"**** you.... shut the **** up. You think you what? Council chiang ah!!"

Ok, that was just an illustration, but ya, this sort of things could happen...
So we turn our attention back to RV.

In the rv student council, there is a discipline committee. Its job scope included disciplining. I was in that committee for 4 years, and let me tell you that catching others isn't an easy thing. Other then the fact that you'll face this sort of scenario as descirbed above sometimes, you'll also question yourself on what is indeed the direction of the student council. Isn't the student council supposed to help the students??

So, after this ironical part, we move on and we face ourselves with the new 17-18 years old. They are supposed to be more matured and supposed to require less watching over. If we still have a discipline committee in the school, don't you think it might hinder their development. Many of us in JC now are experiencing a different sort of life from what we had lef in secondary school. I feel that this experience is an integral part of our development. If we continue to have a student council in rv, won't it deprive them of this experience? Will they still then be able to be as good as those normal group of students who went through the O levles and got to experience life in a proper JC??

Personally, I don't see how discipline committee can continue to stay alive in the student council. The student council is already undergoing a revamp or something, and the only way I can see discipline committee continuing on in this new environment is to stop being the "bad people" of the school and catching people, because of the maturity factor, and also because of the fact of how effective it would be when your scope include 17-18 year olds.

Probably, discicpline committee can rework itself as the feedback unit or somewhat, which focuses on the discipline part or such or something like that.

Its just some random thoughts that I had over the discipline committee.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with your comments.

Being an ex-Disco councillor, having been through secondary school and JC life, it's quite natural for me, just like you, to question about Disco's roles and fate. Till today, I still question my roles in the past as a Dsico councillor, and how had it been relveant to people around me and myself.

Honestly, RV SC, Disco needs a serious identity search right now. New batches of councillors need to know our history and how the culture has changed over the years. As years pass by, it has been obvious that Disco is growing increasingly more obsolete. It lies now in the hands of our juniors to decide a road of their own, and I think we as seniors do have an important part to play in inculcating values and advising them on their roles.

Jia you, Disco.