Saturday, February 11, 2006

On things that had happened...

It hasn't been a really long time since i last posted, which is largely thanks to the fact that lots of things had been hapening recently. I originally wanted to post this on the class blog but after sort of getting killed off due to a few of us posting chain story, I kinda give up on the class blog and decides to focus on my own blog instead.

If posting a nice fun chain story on the class blog acting as a sub thing is pointless, I might as well stop doing it. Besides, you all (which means the REST of the class, not including shadowkat and Hroar) should go and fill that blog with expository stuff so that the chain story really becomes a sub-stuff. Thank you...

Today's class discussion during physics lessons gave me quite a bit of things to talk about, especially over the things that they had said and do...

If you are talking about not paying attention during class discussion, than ask RJ what he was doing before he was screaming his head off. Ya sure, CYX and SPC were talking, but why don't you think about yourself first? What were you doing? Let me go and refresh your memory... You were writing:"很难看" with an arror pointing at CH. Don't you think that that is the same as what CYX and SPC were doing? Don't you think that you should look at yourself first before screaming your head off? If you think that that isn't and that you should not do that, I have nothing to say, nothing to say at all...

And if you think that everyone have access to their Chinese New Year hongbao money, than i beg to differ. I wish i had access to my Chinese New Year money as much as you do, but don't you think that different parents have different policies. My parents took all my money and deposited them into my bank account, if you think that i still have access to it, congratulation... Personally, it hurts me greatly when you use the availability of Chinese New Year money to collect great sums of money... And i am not saying that i won't be able to pay up either...

And there is also no point emphasising and harping on the fact that you have to put up with our class rather 'heck care' attitude. Sure, you are our chairperson again, but does that mean you need to talk about the past year over and over again? And I'm sure if you go and tell Mr Faizad that you want to resign all over again, you'll be dissappointing the 14 people in class who voted for you (which you should see by now does not include me) and when you start screaming your head off and than 'stomped' out of class, well, at least that's a time for you to think about those things that i mentioned earlier, But than again, do you understand what i was talking about earlier?
And stomping out of class??? Sigh~ Who would want to elaborate on the image that you are projecting?

And a lot of you must be thinking that disco job is really easy eh? Sure, mobilephone rules just got revised and relaxed, that doesn't mean you start the :"it's offfffffffffffffffffff"... WOW, real FUNNY, HA HA HA...
You think that is fun?! Fine, take it that way...

Actually, I'll have more to write but i think that some of the perople had apologised and I guess i accepted their apology even though it seemed as though i am ignoring them. Some other points are put across as i think there is a need for them to be clarified further and a certain few points are there for you know why...

Of course, the class also needs to pay more attention when this sorts of things happen, and i know a lot of us are guilty of running away after specifically stating that you all need to stay back. That is something that we need to work on I guess...

And i think you might want to visit the class blog post on this to see the reaction of the class as well...


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