Saturday, March 18, 2006

Connections in Animania

Samurai 7 just ended on Animania...
And the ending was great, they left the things that are supposed to hang, hang in the air. I especially like the last part when Schiroji pointed out that it was the both of them who survived again and than Kanbei said :"The peasents were the one who won the war..."

Great ending...

And after puzzling over the connection issue over the anime series over the last three months, I finally sorted it out...
When Hellsing and Twelve Kingdoms were being shown, the connection between them, other than the particular fact that they are both back from popular demand, is that they both focus on spiritual things, things like kirins, vampires and so on and so forth...

The connection between Samurai 7 and Twelve Kingdoms should be slightly easier to connect. They both talk about rebelling against the government/capital and there are quite a bit of killing in each of their last few ending episodes...

But personally, I think the current new anime, Witch Hunter Robin would link better with Hellsing, since they are technically talking about the exact same thing...

Figuring out connections post... Like to keep it short...


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