Thursday, November 16, 2006

Good bye Good bye Good bye

... And this post marks the end of the "Post during O-levels" series...
Did I mention that this post marks the end of the "Post during O-levels" series??
Did I?
Of course I did, today marks the OFFICIAL END of the O LEVELS for the people in school who take SSGBIO...

Which means... there isn't any more sense to say that this post is posted during the O levels. I mean, its all OVER!!

Anyway, I was freaking scared that blogger will label my blog as a spam blog due to my last post, which basically just copied and pasted one phrase. Congratulations for my great idea...
Anyhow, the O levels are... weird... Weird because its like its nothing compared to our prelims, where we nearly died trying to complete it...

But whatever, I am not going to comment too much on it until I get my results backs...
Anyway, because of the LONG holiday coming up that has no holiday homework or what not, there is going to be a lot of things to do before we move off to the new year. This includes the blogging project that I've been thinking through for some time, and also the addition of the links section that I've been considering for the past three months or so...

So expect things to come up on this rather pathetic looking blog...
Did I say pathetic?


1 comment:

insignificant said...

are my eyes failing me?
im in the blogs that you should visit section!
im honoured! xD
and after O's le!
must enjoy your "homework-free" holidays!
erase O levels from your brain memory space.
delete it from the recycling bin too.
cya on 20th november!
have a happy holiday!