Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Oldies... don't exist.

I know I've not been a very great blogger. For one thing, I had yet to completely revamp the blog layout, so the blog still looks like it just came straight out of a blogger template. (In fact, it just comes out from a blogger template. I just spent a bit of time reorganising the link section)...

I'm still waiting for the day where I can transfer this blog over to blogger beta. Apparently, you can edit your template much like the way in dreamweaver in blogger beta. So I decided that I am going to wait until then...

Anyway, updates on the blogging project:
We have largely confirmed the date to be on 7th of December, with a slight possiblity that it will be on the 8th of December.
For those of you out there who still have no idea what this blogging project is about:
Basically, we are going to travel around to all the campuses of RV. From west coast campus to commonwealth campus to Malan campus. While you are there, try and bring something to write on so that you can record your exact feelings at the moment down. Then you can publish it somewhere or you could keep it in a diary and treat it as one of those greatest memories that you had ever had...

Hopefully, we'll have more people coming...

Anyway, I went indulging in what people would call "oldies" again. But, I think there isn't such a thing as oldies. Sure the rhythm is old, the people who sing it are out of the entertainment biz, but the songs they sing, can never ever be replace. Song never ever become oldies because it is unique. Every song is unique.

For example, lets use 吻别. Can you find a song that can totally replace the feelings conjured up by that song alone...? I highly doubt so. Lets use "Leaving on a jet plane" by John Denver as well. Can you replace the sorrow in that song with another song that talks about the same thing. It will be very hard, and if it can, it would most likely be because the lyrics are nearly the same...

So (because I made a promise that I'll start writing short posts), in short, there isn't such a thing as oldies. All songs are unique and all songs convey a feeling that will probably not be that easy to duplicate. Some songs will always stay fresh in some people's mind, because their life experiences matches the lyrics of the song.
(I think I have serious run-on sentences above)

So ya, there is nothing wrong to listen to oldies, its just that those songs have this feeling and you can hardly ever duplicate it with a newer song. The rhythm, the feelings, the beats. Its all unique to a song. So, learn to listen too all types of songs in the world.


1 comment:

joe said...

i think it is very true that we should all learn to appreciate all kinds of music, not just different types, but different time frame as well. the old songs and the new songs may be different in their styles, so much so that we can differentiate between them clearly by just listening. but that doesnt mean that we "modern" ppl MUST like the "new" songs and dislike the "oldies". just like what discmon says, all the songs are unique. who cares about when they are made. so longs as it touches our heart, they are all worth listening.